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SkillsFuture: Data Analytics

Data and the Wuhan Virus

An AI Epidemiologist Sent the First Warnings of the Wuhan Virus

On January 9, the World Health Organization notified the public of a flu-like outbreak in China: a cluster of pneumonia cases had been reported in Wuhan, possibly from vendors' exposure to live animals at the Huanan Seafood Market. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had gotten the word out a few days earlier, on January 6.

WorldPop :: China

As of January 25 th, 2020 (Beijing time), China has reported 1409 confirmed cases, 2032 suspected cases, and 42 deaths of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infections, with most reported from Wuhan city, Hubei Province [1-3]. Nearly all provinces have confirmed imported cases from Wuhan and secondary transmission has been reported in some provinces.

Big Data & Industries

Data and analytics offer a seismic opportunity in manufacturing

Dr Simon Kampa, CEO of Senseye, discusses the huge impact of big data and analytics on the manufacturing industry There can be few industries where the potential for big data and analytics is greater than in manufacturing.

A look at data analytics in the financial services industry: use cases and challenges - Information Age

As global fraud continues to grow, data analytics is being used as the secret weapon of financial institutions. Yet there are still challenges ahead for data analytics in financial services. False positives have lead to banks blocking legitimate customer transactions.

McDonalds & Data

McDonald's Bites on Big Data With $300 Million Acquisition

Mention McDonald's to someone today, and they're more likely to think about Big Mac than Big Data. But that could soon change: The fast-food giant has embraced machine learning, in a fittingly super-sized way. McDonald's is set to announce that it has reached an agreement to acquire Dynamic Yield, a startup based in Tel Aviv that provides retailers with algorithmically driven "decision logic" technology.

How D & A Impact Businesses

10 ways data and analytics will impact businesses

Augmented analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are among the top data and analytics technology trends that have the potential to significantly change business operations in the next three to five years, according to a presentation at the Gartner Data and Analytics Summit in Sydney this week.

Articles about Data & Analytics