Do you know the available Engineering diplomas in TP? There are seven broad diploma courses branching off from the Common Engineering Program, listed below. Read more about the Common Engineering Program and the progression to the seven diplomas here.
Looking for info on citations in ENG school? Check out the IEEE citation guide here!
Have you wondered what Engineering is about? Do you want to know a little more about it before you dive into a specific degree or career path? Check out our engineering video to get an overview on the super popular 'E' in STEM.
Books and e-books can be accessed via the Library Catalogue. A selection of Engineering related titles have been listed below, for your convenience.
Did you know that the LinkedIn Learning database also has a selection of videos related to Engineering? Have a look at the videos below:
Journals and magazines are a good source for more current information, although they can be more technical in nature. They are published several times a year, and are much shorter in length as compared to books.
ScienceDirect and ProQuest SciTech are recommended for Engineering related content. Check out some of the articles below:
Looking for information on patents? Check out the dedicated Patents Libguide.