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Resources / LinkedIn Learning: Troubleshooting


1. The videos are not playing properly
Use Google Chrome browser instead of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Please also ensure the videos are shared via links generated by the Share Video button, instead of copying the hyperlink from your browser address bar.

2. Can't log in to LinkedIn Learning
Try accessing LinkedIn Learning from this url:

At the Microsoft Azure login page, enter your userid as, or The ID and password is the same as what you use for LMS or TP email account.

If you encounter the LinkedIn login screen, you have probably connected your LinkedIn profile to LinkedIn Learning. Log in using the email and password associated with your LinkedIn profile.
If you still encounter difficulties logging in, email LIB for assistance at asklib@TP.EDU.SG.

3. Can't view the LinkedIn Learning video or course in LMS 
Logout from LinkedIn Learning, or alternatively clear your browser's cache and try again.

Getting Help

Can't find the answer to your question on LinkedIn Learning in this guide? Contact the library at asklib@TP.EDU.SG with details about the issue you're encountering and add some screen captures if necessary.