Journals & Magazine Articles
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EBSCOhost Databases contain full-text journal and magazine articles from various subject areas.
Academic Search Premier: multi-disciplinary database for subjects from the sciences and social sciences.
Business Source Complete: include accounting & finance, economics, human resource, international business, media, marketing, tourism, transport & distribution, & more.
Education Source: all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all education specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC): contains education literature and resources.
By default, EBSCOhost searches across all databases unless you select one or more databases.
1. Enter your search terms, for example: children AND fast food
2. Not all articles have Full Text. In the Filters tab, tick Full Text to ensure only complete articles are shown in the results:
EBSCOhost contains several databases. For more relevant results, you may want to select the exact database(s) to search, such as Business Source Complete.
To do so, click on "Searching:" above the search boxes:
Choose the exact database(s) that you want from the list below:
An abstract preview is displayed under the article title. Click on "Show more" to display and read the entire abstract.
An abstract is a brief summary to help the reader quickly understand the article's purpose. See an example here.
Clicking on the article title takes you to the article page and more information.
Blue box: Contains the Cite (citation generator), Share (option to create stable links to the selected article) and Download article options.
Green box: Allows you to read the article online as either a PDF image file or a HTML webpage.
Pink box: Allows you to download the article as a PDF or HTML file.
You can narrow your results with the filters above the returned search results. For example, you can toggle Peer Reviewed on/off, or select a Source type. The publication date of hits can be adjusted by selecting the All time filter.
Publication Date: For scientific research topics, it is important to make sure the articles you use are current. Use this filter to limit your results to the most current ones!
Source Types: What are the difference? Click here to see a table comparison!
EBSCOhost has an automated citation feature at the article page. Click the quotation mark icon in the top right hand corner to open the citation generator, and remember to select APA 7th edition. Remember, this auto-generated citations may not be correct! Refer to this guide for a more precise APA format citations.