Journals & Magazine Articles
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APA PsycARTICLES contains peer-reviewed scholarly & scientific articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group, and the Educational Publishing Foundation.
PsycARTICLES can be accessed through the PsycNet platform from the listing of journal & magazine databases available on the library homepage.
As you type your keywords for searching, the database will prompt some suggested psychological terms that can be used.
Here are the search results. Notice that the keywords which you used for searching appear in yellow. On the left, you can filter the results by year, index terms, source (journal tile) etc.
Select an article that you are interested in to read the abstract. If it's relevant to your research, click on the PDF button to download.
Click on the download icon on the top right to save the article as a PDF.
Use this mode only to browse the journal titles within PsycNet database. If you have a research topic in mind, it is usually more efficient to search instead of browse.
The thesaurus is a useful feature. Either browse by a letter of the alphabet or search a psychological term:
The database will suggest broader, narrower, related or even alternative terms to use for searching. Using these terms can improve the relevance of your search results.