For sources such as reports, circulars & press releases on government web sites, always use the name of the ministry or agency as the author.
Name of ministry or government agency. (Year, month, day). Title of the webpage. Title of Website. Homepage URL
Use the name of the ministry or government agency as the author. Even though you may see a person's name in the source e.g. a contact person for media queries, they are not considered the author.
Year, month and day are in brackets. Omit the month or day if they are not available.
Title of publication is in italics. Capitalize only the first words in title and subtitle of webpage, as well as proper nouns.
Include the URL if source is online.
Press release
Cyber Security Agency of Singapore. (2019, September 11). CSA’s 2018 survey shows that cybersecurity awareness remains high, though adoption of cybersecurity practices needs to be improved [Press release].