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GEN / APA Citation Style: Magazines

Magazine citations

Magazines from the library's databases are cited just liked printed magazines. Include the full URL only for open access magazines that do not require personal or library subscription.

Basic form of magazine citation

Author, A. A., & Author B. B. (Year, Month, Day). Title of the article: Subtitle of the article. Title of Magazine, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI or URL of open access magazine

Author's last (or family) name, followed by first and middle names in initials. Use a comma between author's names and an "&" before the last author's name. 

Year, month and day of publication in brackets. Omit the day if it is not available.

Capitalize only the first words in title and subtitle, as well as proper nouns.

Magazine title is in italics. Use uppercase for important words in the title.

Volume is in italics, issue number is in brackets, followed by page numbers. There is no space between the volume and issue. Omit information about the volume, issue or page number if they are not available.

Include the digital object identifier (DOI) if it is available. For open access magazines, include the URL. If you know that the URL will most likely break or change in a few months, use the homepage URL. If not, provide the full URL for the webpage.

Examples of magazine citations

Magazine article (from printed copy or library database)

Steinmetz, K. (2019, July 22). Instagram’s challenge. Time Magazine, 194(3), 46–51.


Magazine article from webpage

Carulli, D. (2018, March 31). Perineuronal nets: A mechanism to control brain plasticity. The Scientist.